Wednesday, October 04, 2006

News from Israel

Israel’s Tourism Surges For Succoth But Future Is Still Uncertain

(Tel Aviv) El Al Israel Airlines is flying at capacity this week with all seats virtually sold out. The same is true for Continental, Israir, and Delta, the other carriers with regular service to Tel Aviv. An estimated 30,000 American Jews will be spending the Succoth/Shemini Atzereth/ Simhat Torah holiday (October 7 – 15) in Israel, some arriving via European carriers that were offering lower fares than the direct flight carriers. Hotels in Jerusalem are taking full advantage of the demand, charging as much as $800 a night and $130 a meal (excluding beverage and tips) in a preferred Succah. Before this summer’s hostilities in the North, Israeli tourism officials were projecting that some 2.6 million tourists would visit Israel, but now officials are re-examining their estimates. Israel’s Minister of Tourism, Isaac Herzog, was in New York last week trying to stimulate both Jewish and Christian tourism to Israel. The minister helped kick off new television spots and met with Christian leaders while in the US. The visitors to Israel for Succoth include many well-known wealthy Orthodox Jews from around the country. Officials are trying to stimulate tourism during the last quarter of 2006 to make a serious effort to come close to their original projections.

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