Friday, February 02, 2007

Feature: Kosher Appliances on the Rise

Popularity of “Kosher” Appliances Rises Dramatically
New York… by Sarah Cohen…

A whole new generation of consumers has emerged for appliances that are certified kosher, shows a survey of several appliance retailers in largely religious Jewish neighborhoods. Retailers say that the kosher appliances are particularly popular with newly married couples and with people remodeling their kitchens. The retailers say that many Orthodox families tend to buy the kosher appliances at this time of the year, in the weeks before Passover. Baltimore based STAR-K kosher certification, an international kosher supervision agency under the leadership of Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, has been in the forefront of certifying appliances as kosher. The kosher status means that modern appliances are more kosher consumer friendly for Shabbat and Jewish holidays (Yomim Tovim). By eliminating problematic features such as lights, icons, tones, and digital displays from appliances, the kosher consumer has more flexibility to use various appliances on Shabbat and Yom Tov, within Rabbinic guidelines, while observing strict Halacha.

Jonah Ottensoser, consulting engineer for STAR-K with extensive knowledge in Halacha, “works as a liaison with Rabbi Heinemann and the appliance companies to ensure that the appliances are user friendly for Shabbat and Yom Tov,” said Rivka Leah Goldman, a spokeswoman at STAR-K for kosher appliances. Ovens, dishwashers, and refrigerators, are just a few appliances that the STAR-K works on with appliance companies to cater to the kosher consumer. One of the main issues that kosher consumers have to deal with is the 12 hour automatic shut off feature that ovens typically have. Halacha permits temperature adjustments to be made for cooking and baking on Yom Tov and therefore Jewish consumers would need an oven that can remain turned on for a two or three day holiday. The STAR-K team has worked with appliance companies to override the automatic shut-off feature and make the oven usable on Yom Tov. Goldman explains that although this feature is commonly referred to as Shabbat Mode in appliance manuals, “it is a misnomer, as Jewish Law only permits cooking and baking on Yom Tov. The month preceding Pesach (Passover) is the most common time when consumers are looking to purchase a kosher oven because of the complicated and strict procedures required to “kasher” an oven for Pesach,” commented Goldman.

Many retailers carry the kosher appliances. The most effective way for kosher consumers to identify these appliances is to visit the STAR-K website ( where model numbers of all appliances approved by the STARK-K are listed by appliance category and by company. The website also provides consumers with detailed explanations on how to use the approved appliances in order to follow strict halachic guidelines.

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