Friday, January 19, 2007

Kosher Food Industry

Mintel Study Cites Dramatic Increase in New Kosher Products in 2006 to 3,290

Chicago… The number of new food products that were certified kosher in 2006 was 3,290, according to a new report by the Mintel International Group, an international consumer, media and market research firm. According to Marcia Mogolonsky, the chief researcher of a new study on “Sacred Foods and Food Traditions,” the numbers came to light in a cross match with another report that focused on specialty foods. The study showed that in 2000 the number of new kosher products was 211 and has been rising steadily since. These findings would seem to be at odds with previous studies that put the number of new kosher products at about 2,500 annually over the last decade. It also goes against some experts in the kosher market who have speculated that the number of new kosher products has actually declined. They say that most of the large companies have already gone kosher and that there are just not enough smaller and mid-size companies to make up the void. But kosher supervision agencies say that there has been significant line extension by larger companies and that the number of smaller companies opting for the kosher symbol has similarly swelled, a trend which would seem to confirm the latest Mintel findings.

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